I’m feeling all the feels this week. My Max turned 18. 

The picture above is the day before he turned 7 and the picture below was the day before he turned 18. A few days ago.

Time is such a funny thing. Our Nanny Jean gave me great advice when the kids were babies. I went over to her house when Maggie was just starting to walk and Max was still in a car carrier. I said that I couldn’t wait for Max to start walking too. I said it will be so much fun. She said “My darling Aimee, don’t wish it away”.

What she meant was. Don’t rush it, you’ll miss it. Don’t wish this stage away for the next one. She meant, every stage is a gift. I think about her and those words all the time.

My Max. 

He gets straight A’s
His favorite meal is sandwiches
He holds a great conversation
He can play video games and guitar for hours
His favorite candy is Nerds
He doesn’t ever watch tv shows, so don’t ask him about any
He loves the “Stuff you should know” Podcast
He listens to every music genre. Every one
He has a tender heart
He eats pop tarts cold
His favorite response to me is “of course”
He has had the same best friend since 2nd grade
He has a beautiful singing voice
He still hides dishes under his bed 
He loves buying interesting bar soap, he lines them up on his bathroom sink
He owns over a dozen flannel shirts
He doesn’t like cake

He graduates in a few short months then he’ll be off to college. It’ll just be Jason and I at home. Help!

Time marches on.