Oh man! It’s so hard to know what reasonable precautions to take in the face of this pandemic. The uncertainty is stressful and the evolution of the situation is head spinning. And isn’t it crazy how often we touch our faces! Who knew?

We see our shop as an essential service. What would we do without our yarn respite? We are taking steps to keep ourselves and our community, you, safe. As of now, our open knit times are still open and you are still welcome to come to the shop for help anytime. 

We are regularly cleaning; wiping down door handles, counters, tables, chairs and other frequently touched places in the shop.

Our team is doing lots of hand washing and we have hand sanitizer available for staff and customers.

Students who miss or cancel a class because of illness or an abundance of caution will be refunded their class fee.

Our staff, should they become sick, will stay home. We ask that our customers who aren’t feeling well stay home too.

As always, we offer curbside pickup, just call or text us and we’ll run your purchase out. If you prefer to order online, we ship a lot. We process our online orders immediately. Most orders arrive in by USPS in just a few days.

Thanks for your trust as we navigate this evolving situation. If you can, try to shop small in the coming days & weeks. Grab a coffee at a local spot, buy an early Mother’s Day gift at a small boutique, buy a container of Disinfecting Wipes at your small local grocer (they still have them:). Small business owners, and the employees they support, will so appreciate that sale.

Stay healthy all!
Aimee & Team DKA