When I was growing up, 4 leaf clovers were a big deal. My Nanny Jean, my Auntie Jackie, and Carly could always find them, I never could. It drove me crazy that I couldn’t see them the way they could.

My Nanny would say to me “you’ll find yours Aimee”.

I went away to college and was writing a speech about my Nanny Jean and how the America Red Cross helped her when she immigrated to America. I was in the library stacks (remember when you had to go to the library to do research?) and pulled out a big old book about the American Red Cross. I opened it up and there was a 4 leaf clover, pressed in the middle of the book.

I checked it out, went back to my dorm, and called my Nanny Jean. Could I take it out of the book, or did she think that was bad luck? She would know the answer.

She said, and I’m sure I’m paraphrasing…”Finders Keepers, take it out and laminated it!”


So I did.

I carried this laminated 4 leaf clover around with me, in my wallet, for over 20 years. My kids have heard this story, of course. I love this story. I blogged about it 10 years ago too. Click here for the original post. 

Anyway, a few weeks ago, I got a text message from Max, he cc’d Maggie (is it still called cc’ing when you text? Probably not.) Anyway, it was this series of photos I clicked through on my phone.


I was speechless. They asked me to facetime them, so I did…with tears in my eyes. “We KNEW you’d be crying” they said. I was.

How lucky am I to have these two lovely people in my life. What a blessing. I am filled with gratitude.

Oh click here if you want to see how good Carly is at finding these things…