Chickadee Anyone?

Chickadee Anyone?

. Chickadee is one of our 12 in 12 sweaters this year…if you don’t know the history of 12 in 12 read to the bottom of that blog link for details. . The amazing Ysolda Teague is the designer of the pattern and the author of the terrific book  Little Red in...
Why didn’t someone warn me?

Why didn’t someone warn me?

. I am sick to death of 12 sweaters in 12 months. . Why didn’t someone warn me? . Actually lots of people did warn me; yarn reps, other shop owners, employees, customers, random people at Target… . They all said I was crazy, how in the world did I think I...
It’s My Birthday – I’ll Not Knit if I Want To

It’s My Birthday – I’ll Not Knit if I Want To

. I am turning 40 this month.  May 23rd to be exact. . I am tired of knitting a sweater a month. . I hate to admit it, but this 12 and 12 program has taken all the fun out of knitting for me. . It has taken away my choice.  I have only been able to knit the sweater of...