10 out of 12 Ain’t Bad

10 out of 12 Ain’t Bad

. 10 out of 12 ain’t bad. . At least that is what I am telling myself. . You remember September right? . December’s sweater isn’t going to happen either.  At least not this December. . I herniated a disc in my neck 3 weeks ago today.  C6/7.  It was...
It’s ok…I have a doctors note

It’s ok…I have a doctors note

November sweater won’t be done. . Not in November at least. . When last we spoke, Saturday night, blocks were drying.  Hopes were high. . . It all changed on Sunday morning.  I couldn’t sit up or stand without sharp stabbing pain in my back. . Fate gave me...
November 4 2011

November 4 2011

. Great start to November. . Just about finished one square in 3 days. . . Supposed to measure 29cm . . Nope.  Really should have done a swatch. Damn swatches. . Commence ripping… .
Good Riddance September

Good Riddance September

Take a good look at this photo… . , Take a look at all the pretty things I knit this year.  Gorgeous sweaters hanging happily in the shop, just waiting for the weather to turn.  I am proud of the sweaters, I am.  I am proud of them, but I am sick of them too. I...