Sketch It

Sketch It

Shop Hop 2016 is behind us and it proved once again that the Twin Cities has the best group of fiber junkies in the country!


More than 870 hoppers passed through our doors during the 4 days of the hop this year. That is 100 more than any other year. Wow!


You were generous with your donations, helping our shop raise $1000 more than last year. Your donations will help Valley Outreach serve over $16,000 meals! What a difference 4 days can make 🙂


The overall shop hop theme this year was “Inspired by Literature”. Shops could choose a book, author or genre of literature to guide their yarn and pattern design choices. We chose graphic novels as our theme. We decided the best way to honor our theme was to write our own little graphic novel.


Click here to download our graphic novel Manic Maker


Little note about the pattern itself.  A very fast shop hop knitter has noticed an error in the pattern. It is changed on Ravelry and you can download the changed pattern here.  If you’ve already started and missed the error, no biggie…if the zig zag section is zigging and zagging, press on.


We had a little fun with our theme in a photo booth with conversation bubbles…here are a few pics from the weekend!
shop hop 2016 4  shop hop 2016 3

shop hop 2016 2  shop hop 2016 1  
