

Ripping finished! Back on track. 10 new happy underarm stitches. Much better.
Finished January Sweaters

Finished January Sweaters

So, here they are, our January sweaters!  I know a few more of you are knitting these, and I”ll post those as I get them in.  The lucky knitters that finish the sweater AND prove it to me before end of day today get $25 in store credit!  Maybe to buy more yarn...
January Sweater

January Sweater

January 1st 10am – Cast On (meant to cast on at midnight…was too busy “Just Dance 2ing” on the WII) . Cast on was a piece of cake…increasing was easy…love this yarn…soft and easy on the fingers. Knit for a while between sips...
New Year, New Sewing Patterns

New Year, New Sewing Patterns

Great new sewing patterns…  From Heather Bailey, Patty Young and Anna Maria Horner! From Heather Bailey Patterns from Patty Young modkid Anna Maria Horner classic patterns
Duct Tape Adventures

Duct Tape Adventures

We celebrated Holiday Break from school with some great kids yesterday in our Duct Tape classes. . 10 of the little buggers hung out with us all day creating fun things with duct tape.  Carly worked her magic and inspired some amazing things. . We want to be sure you...
12 sweaters in 12 months

12 sweaters in 12 months

. So, I have decided to knit 12 sweaters in 12 months.  January – December 2011. . Here is the cool part, you can do it too. . Well, even if you don’t want to do 12 in 12 like me, you can do 1 or 3 or 8 of them if you want. . Here is what I am offering.  I...
Lily’s Birthday Bash

Lily’s Birthday Bash

. We were lucky enough to be able to help celebrate Lily’s birthday at the shop last night. . We hope your mom survived the sleep over and we hope you all enjoyed your new sleep masks and pillows! . Happy birthday Lily! . .   . Plan your own fiber fun...
Winter Knit Along

Winter Knit Along

OK Folks…the results are in and do not require a recount…our Winter Knit Along is going to be “clockwork” by Stephen West. . Carly is already knitting away on our sample and it is beautiful!  You’ll need the pattern and 2 different skeins...
Hat, Hat…Who Wants a Hat?

Hat, Hat…Who Wants a Hat?

. We have declared December the month of the hat! . So, if you are ready to knit your first hat, are sick of your old hat patterns, or are simply ready to try something new…we’ve got you covered!  Well, we’ve got your head covered anyway:) ...
Great Adirondack Yarn Event

Great Adirondack Yarn Event

So, this is what our classroom table looked like the other day when the Great Adirondack Yarn Rep was paying us a visit.  Needless to say, we were overwhelmed. . How in the world does someone pick from all this beauty??? . Do our customers want sequined yarn in shades...