February Sweater

February Sweater

I took a great trip to Florida with my family on February 1st.  Lucky me…I got to cast on for the February sweater in the peace and quiet of a crowded airport while waiting for a delayed airplane.  Now, don’t get me wrong, I was really lucky to be getting...


So…I had to do SOMETHING this week. . . If you can’t commit to knitting the big version of this owl sweater…try knitting this sweet kids version.   I can’t let you into the 12 in 12 party doing the kids version…BUT it is super cute and...


Sewing er up… . So…this laceweight panel is kind of a pain.  Not fun to knit and not super fun to attach. . Here is how I did it… . I was lucky enough to have a body form to put the sweater on.  I think it helped.  I used safety pins and divided up...


. Darn…guess I need to knit a few more inches of the lace panel?  OR…keep it this way and wear it to naughty knit night? Here is the link to last years naughty knit night blog! . .
She came, she saw, she left stuff!

She came, she saw, she left stuff!

Our friend Sharon from Three Irish Girls was in the shop on Saturday afternoon for a lovely, lively workshop.  She talked about lots of stuff, mostly how the heck to make the beautiful yarn we buy work for the projects we want!  Fun was had by all! . If you...
Rules of Engagement

Rules of Engagement

I feel the need to clarify a few things about this crazy 12 in 12 thing. . 8 people have purchased yarn for the January sweater at 20% off!  I have seen a few of the sweaters in progress and am super excited to see all of them finished! . Those people who started the...


. Third times a charm . . I added 3″ of length at the bottom and I am silly happy with it. . Now on to the sleeves. . I can’t wait to see your January sweaters…bring em in. .


I am bored, bored, bored with this lace panel.  Not fun at all really.  Other than it is totally mindless and I finished while watching Sex and the City 2 last night. . . I think I am done with the lace.  I am at 29″.   I say I think, because I can’t find...


Wanna hear something funny? . So, you know from the previous posts that I have ripped this sweater back once because I only cast on 5 stitches under the arm and the pattern said I should have done 10.  Well, I knit the 10 cast on under the arms and I knit exact to the...