12 in 12 2013

12 in 12 2013

We’re nearing the end of the year AGAIN!  My mom was right; the years do go faster the older you get:) . Anyway, we’ve been getting lots of questions about our 12 in 12 program and if we’ll be doing it again in 2013.   The answer is yep!  We sure...
Sleepyhead Doorbusters

Sleepyhead Doorbusters

One of our favorite days of the year is coming!  Yes Thanksgiving! We all get the day off, we don’t have to worry about the store at all AND we get to eat yummy food.  What’s not to LOVE about that holiday? . The other awesome thing about Thanksgiving is...
Optimistic or Pessimistic?  Can we choose?

Optimistic or Pessimistic? Can we choose?

. My daughter Maggie is in 3rd grade and is taking a standardized test this week in school.  It has been interesting watching her prepare.  I have always known that she tends to be more of a glass-half-empty person.  She doesn’t wake up happy, she is always...
Trim the Tree Party

Trim the Tree Party

Remember our awesome tree?  A lovely gift for my awesome friends. . . Well, it’s looking kind of tired now.   Lot’s of things are looking tired in this gloomy weather. . . Anyway, we are planning on trimming the tree for the holidays and we want you to...
It’s here

It’s here

It’s official.  It snowed today in my town for the first time this winter. . Are you ready? . Have you made sure your kids have snow pants that fit?  That is my job tonight. Gah!  We are pulling out all our winter wear and making sure we all have snow pants,...
Chickadee Anyone?

Chickadee Anyone?

. Chickadee is one of our 12 in 12 sweaters this year…if you don’t know the history of 12 in 12 read to the bottom of that blog link for details. . The amazing Ysolda Teague is the designer of the pattern and the author of the terrific book  Little Red in...
Halloween Window

Halloween Window

We took down our scarecrow to make room for Halloween in our front window! . How cute is this? . . . . . Lest you think we just forgot about our scarecrow…he now has a place of honor by our knit tree!  At least until the snow flies! . . Happy Halloween!...
3 years and counting…

3 years and counting…

. We are celebrating 3 years this week at Darn Knit Anyway.  Wow.  This is where people would usually say the time has flown by.  It really hasn’t.  I can’t believe how much work this little business is and I feel like I have aged a decade. . Being a small...