My 4 Leaf Clover

My 4 Leaf Clover

. My Nanny Jean was superstitious.  Not crazy superstitious but she taught us things like; . If you stirred with a knife you stirred up trouble and strife. If two bad things happen you need to break a matchstick or another bad thing will come.  Bad things happen in...
February Sweater Week 3

February Sweater Week 3

Long time no see. . Yes, it’s been a while since I posted on our blog.  A few weeks I think?  It’s been a February to remember. . I had a lot of dedicated knitting time this month, and I finished the February sweater.   I used 2.5 skeins of Dream in Color...
Our Loving Nan – A Life Well Lived

Our Loving Nan – A Life Well Lived

. She was born in 1924.  London England. . . She was 15 of 16 kids. . Her given name was Mabel Robbins.  No middle name.  It kind of bugged her because one of her sisters had 3 names; Lillian Rose Hopper AND everyone called her Dingle.  So really she had 4 names.  One...
Stash Match Game

Stash Match Game

. I was project-less this weekend.  I was in the quiet before the February Sweater storm begins.  So, I thought I would dive into my stash and see what I had that I hadn’t seen for a while.  I don’t think I have knit from my stash in 3 years.  I have added...
January Sweater Felted

January Sweater Felted

Here she is! . . I’m extremely pleased. Currently, it is felted, blocked out and drying.  I am hoping it will be dry by Monday so I can put on buttons.  Then I will bring her to the shop to share with all of you. . I want to share these adorable photos of Jeani...
A Hat Fit for A Bronze Statue

A Hat Fit for A Bronze Statue

. We participated in a super fun project for Twinsfest. . Local Twin Cities yarn shops, knit sweaters, hats and scarves for the bronze statues of Oliva, Hrbek and Carew.  It was not a small undertaking. . It was a very fun experience that we were thrilled to be a part...
January Sweater Week 3

January Sweater Week 3

I am well into week 3. . Knitting is done, seaming is done… . . The seaming was endless, but it is finally done! . . Time for weaving in the ends so that I can felt her.  Yes, she is a she.  It’s just a feeling I get about her.  Quite excited to felt her...
January Sweater Week 2.5

January Sweater Week 2.5

. . Hello All, here is my latest sweater knitting update for you.  I must say, I love, love knitting this sweater.  I am so excited to see the final result.  And I must also say this is simply the most easy sweater I have ever knit. . At times it is almost boring. ...
January Sweater Week 1

January Sweater Week 1

. Hi Everybody!  Jennifer here! . After a three day knitting hiatus (and some serious knitting withdrawal symptoms) I’m back on track.  20″ knit to the underarm and now onto armhole shaping.  All this progress in just under 5 hours! . . Just so you all...
Building Blocks Information

Building Blocks Information

. Whoa. . We weren’t expecting this. . Many, many of you are interested in the Building Blocks class and we are thrilled that you want to expand your skills.  The blanket is fun to knit, the suggested yarn is soft and squishy, the pattern book is a great...