Gilmore Goulet

Gilmore Goulet

One of the first people that walked through the door of Darn Knit Anyway back in 2009, before we were even officially open, was Gilmore Goulet.   He walked in with a smile on his face and asked if we needed any light bulbs.  We didn’t even know there was...
2014 in Review

2014 in Review

  Every year we look back at our top selling items, by quantity, in the shop.   This year’s list was so interesting!   The top selling item this year was…wait for it…     Yep, gum.  786 packs of gum to be exact.  So funny! ...
Look Ma…No Pills

Look Ma…No Pills

  We can’t sing the praises of Hikoo Simpliworsted enough.  This yarn is terrific, awesome, amazing.   Dark and Stormy was a sweater I knit for our 12 in 12 in 2013.  It was fun to knit! Anyway, It’s been in our store as a sample ever since. ...
January 12 in 12 – 2015

January 12 in 12 – 2015

  Tundra…oh Tundra…   We’ve had some fun with our January sweater so far. Lot’s of gauge swatch questions.  There weren’t many people who had a gauge swatch that was right on.  We’ve got knitters that have gone up a couple...
Year of the Sock?

Year of the Sock?

I thought it was finally time for me to knit socks.   I’ve knit 1 sock in my day, back in 2010.  Yep, just one. I couldn’t bring myself to knit the 2nd one.  I didn’t think socks were my thing. So I decided to work on things that I thought were...
12 in 12 Q&A

12 in 12 Q&A

Wondering what all the 12 in 12 fuss is about?  Here are some answers to commonly asked questions. Q.  What the heck is 12 in 12 anyway? A.  12 in 12 is our sweater knitting program.  We choose 12 sweaters in January, 1 for each month.  If you want to knit any of the...
Trade History for Progress?

Trade History for Progress?

  If you’ve followed Stillwater news lately, you’ve been treated to a few interesting stories.  In the shadow of all of that you may have missed one that I think is pretty important.   This image was floated around social media recently....
Needle Storage…*&%^ing Needle Storage

Needle Storage…*&%^ing Needle Storage

We’ve had lots of questions about needle storage in the first 3 days of 2015.   Everyone seems to be wondering how best to keep track of needles.   I am no exception.   Here is how I do it:) Yep, that’s how I do it alright.  That mess of...
Instagram Feed

Instagram Feed

Follow us on Instagram! Look how good I’m getting at videos:). #binkwafflebags! A video posted by Darn Knit Anyway (@darnknitanyway) on Dec 12, 2014 at 7:39am PST