Shetland Wool Week @DKA

Shetland Wool Week @DKA

Carroll can’t stop talking about Shetland Wool Week. If she could, she would be on the next plane, train and boat it takes to get to the Shetland Islands in Scotland.   In it’s 6th year, lucky Shetland Wool Week participants get to take classes and...
Scoreboard Knit A Long

Scoreboard Knit A Long

Join us for this fun Knit Along!  This isn’t a class…just a fun virtual knit along:)   If you’ve been following my knitting on the Crackerjack scarf, and wanted to try one yourself but can’t stand how slooooow baseball is.  How about...
Back to School Open House

Back to School Open House

  Many of us are gearing up to send our kids back to school. Some kids even started school today.   In Somerset, WI, we start back up a week from today.  Our kid’s “back to school open house” is on Wednesday and the kids are excited. ...
Selfie School

Selfie School

I need to go to selfie school… Wanted to take a pic of the very cool Bead Happy Necklace and the very cool Quick Sand Cardigan on an actual person…me. This is terrible. How do the kids do this?         The necklace is awesome by the...
Update on Crackerjack

Update on Crackerjack

  I started knitting this cowl months ago.  At the start of the Minnesota Twins season actually.  It’s called the Crackerjack Scarf and it’s so much fun.   It’s knit in the round, on a 16″ circular needle.  Every 2 rounds represent 1...
“It’s Nan”

“It’s Nan”

If you’ve read our blog at all over the last 5 years, you’ll know about our beloved Nanny Jean.  She is Carly and my grandmother. We called her Nanny or Nan.  There are plenty of blog posts about our Nan.  This is a great one..and this…heck, just...
Sun Shower Blanket

Sun Shower Blanket

We’ve had the perfect baby blanket knit up for a year or more now and I realized I hadn’t shared it here yet!   Sunshower Baby Blanket by Melissa LaBarre.   It’s knit on circular needles in the round. A fun easy little lace pattern at the...
Tahiti Shawl

Tahiti Shawl

Perfect summer knitting!  Cast on 5 stiches and increase as you go. The yarn does the real work! Click here for the yarn Click here for the pattern
To shred or not to shred

To shred or not to shred

As I was doing our usual shop shredding the other day I got to thinking…do we really still need to shred? Now don’t get me wrong, I like to shred.  I find it satisfying to put in a piece of paper, hear the blades working and get a pile of tiny paper out....