Mar 31, 2020 | Uncategorized
Our kids are in the Somerset High School Show Choir and they were so excited to perform this song. I was so excited to watch the showcase at the end of the year. So many disappointments for all of us this. But. We will come out on the other side! Saw this last night...
Mar 29, 2020 | Covid Updates, Uncategorized
Hey. If you are feeling unsettled and unsteady this morning know that you are not alone and it’s ok. This is such an unsettling time for all of us. Keep doing the best you can and we will too.I added some extra cream to my coffee this morning. And this was the...
Mar 25, 2020 | Covid Updates, Uncategorized
Mar 18, 2020 | Covid Updates, Uncategorized
Hello to our Tribe! Well, after lots of back and forths and should we or shouldn’t we’s, we’ve decided today is our last day of regular, open to the public, shopping. We’ll be open until 5pm today. We feel that it’s safer for all of us to...
Mar 18, 2020 | Covid Updates, Uncategorized
Well, yesterday wasn’t a typical St. Patrick’s Day for the Doyle Clan. Our usual St. Patrick’s Day includes a pub, lots of yummy bar food, bagpipes, and lots of hugs. This will be a year to remember! Our Clan St. Patrick’s Day photo is...