Oh man…the mask situation is really something. 

We have been asking customers to wear masks since we reopened in May. Some have done it without complaint, some with a little complaint, and some wouldn’t wear one. 

We never knew which person was coming in the door. Would we have to ask them about their mask, would they be easy or hard? UGH. 

Thankfully, the Governor issued a mask mandate. That has made it easier. Most people come with a mask on or one readily available and don’t complain:) 

A few days ago, two women came in the shop, both with masks. I greeted them. As they got closer to the counter. I realized that one of the women had a mask on that was made of tulle. Yep, tulle. It was really pretty actually. Ruffled edges and shiny ribbon for ties. But it wasn’t really a mask. I didn’t confront her. They weren’t really customers, just walk through-ers. They did one walk around the bottom level of the shop and walked out. I assume she was anti-mask and this was her way of wearing a mask in protest? Who knows. 

It’s a strange world right now:)