Darn Knit Anyway is 2 whole years old.  Wow.  We have had some great fun.
Last year, on our 1 year anniversary, we talked about all the things we learned about our shop over the first year.  You can check them out here.
This year, I thought I might let you know what the most frequently asked questions  have been this year.  What do we hear the most in our shop?
1. “Is this enough to make a scarf?”  – probably not, it’s only 98 yards.
2.  “Do you have a bathroom?” – it’s not ours, it’s in the belly of the building
3.  “Is this itchy?” – ummmmm
4.  “Oh, this isn’t a bookstore anymore?” – nope that was like 38 years ago
5.  “Is there more yarn upstairs?” – yep…that’s more yarn alright
6.  “Where is the coffee shop” – oh, that isn’t a coffee shop in our building, even though it says coffee.  Go to the Daily Grind.  Insert directions to Daily Grind here along with hand motions directing them out of our labyrinth building.
7.  “How is it going here?” – asked with a grimace like I am going to tell them we’re closing any day.
8.  “I just parked right there, am I going to get a ticket?” – probably
9.  “Is this hat for sale?” – nope, our samples aren’t for sale
10.  “how do you make any money around here if nothing is for sale?”