Chickadee Anyone?

Chickadee Anyone?

. Chickadee is one of our 12 in 12 sweaters this year…if you don’t know the history of 12 in 12 read to the bottom of that blog link for details. . The amazing Ysolda Teague is the designer of the pattern and the author of the terrific book  Little Red in...
Halloween Window

Halloween Window

We took down our scarecrow to make room for Halloween in our front window! . How cute is this? . . . . . Lest you think we just forgot about our scarecrow…he now has a place of honor by our knit tree!  At least until the snow flies! . . Happy Halloween!...
3 years and counting…

3 years and counting…

. We are celebrating 3 years this week at Darn Knit Anyway.  Wow.  This is where people would usually say the time has flown by.  It really hasn’t.  I can’t believe how much work this little business is and I feel like I have aged a decade. . Being a small...
3 years and counting…

25 things

I was digging through my old facebook posts…you’ve all heard about the rumors of private messages  becoming public on Facebook?   Well,I was digging into my old facebook posts from 2009 and while I didn’t find any private messages, I did come...
A sweater for a pig

A sweater for a pig

. Our lovely Kim rides horses.  I am sure there is a better way to say that; a fancier horse word…but for lack of fancy horseperson vocabulary…she rides horses. . She boards a horse at a place (again…I am sure there is a term) in Wisconsin.  This...
Elizabeth on my needles

Elizabeth on my needles

I’m not knitting the September sweater.  I am knitting this one instead. . Elizabeth.  Here is the Ravelry page… . . . I am using Liberty Wool color Painted Desert and I am having fun knitting it.  That is great right? ....