Jun 14, 2014 | Uncategorized
We are so excited for Friday, June 20th! We’ll be knitting in public! Truth be told, we knit in public a lot, but this time we hope you’ll join us. We’ll be crafting on the patio in front of the shop in celebration of World Wide Knit in...
Jun 13, 2014 | Uncategorized
Like many of you, my kiddos are basking in the glow of summer break. We are 4 days in. Boredom doesn’t come quite as fast as it did when they were 6. They can read now, and play with the neighborhood gang without my constant attention. and of course...
Jun 2, 2014 | Uncategorized
I needed to jot something down today so I opened up the notes app in my IPhone. I jotted down my note and then thumbed down and glanced at the other notes I’ve taken. Have you done this recently? What? The only one of these that even looks...
May 28, 2014 | Uncategorized
My kids, Maggie and Max, took home their yearbooks today from Somerset Elementary School here in Somerset, WI. They are in 4th and 3rd grades. I told them how much fun it was to get signatures in our yearbooks every year. How we used to write things like...
May 6, 2014 | Uncategorized
Our old historic bridge is only so tall. Yesterday, a truck hauling hay across from MN to WI misjudged the height of his load and off went a good dozen bales. Stopping traffic both directions…right around rush hour time. Jen thought...
Apr 24, 2014 | Uncategorized
I “coach” my kids in a lego league. It’s been fun, the inaugural season of JFLL in Somerset, WI. I volunteered to be a “coach” this year. My friends who are reading this are laughing, because lego league is really all I...