We’ve been talking a lot about baseball these days. Just in case you think that I don’t have the experience to be talking about this subject…I give you this interesting little piece of my history:)

I was the manager of our high school baseball team. 30 years ago. I can’t even believe I am typing the phrase 30 years ago. UGH!

What did I do as a baseball manager? Oh…I kept the book. You know, who hit what where. How many runs, etc. I learned how to color in the diamonds. That’s basically it. 

I really did it to hang out with my friends and boyfriend who were on the team. I’m pretty sure I was in the midst of a senior slide at the time.

The other day I was digging through some old paperwork to find my ACT scores to confirm to Maggie that you don’t have to score a 30 to succeed in life, and I found my certificate and letter. Yep, I LETTERED in baseball management. 

Carly finds it hilarious. That’s me. Top row, 2nd from left.

Go Polars!!