We’ve been working on our shop Manifesto. What the heck is that? Well, it’s a buzzy thing to do these days to help businesses stay true to their values and stay focused on the things that are important. It’s a declaration of our values and beliefs and helps us shape the way we do business.

Anyway, we worked on it for a while, talking about the things we love about the shop and the place we strive to be. We sent it all to our amazing graphics person (Katrina of Mix Creative) and she sent us back this image. I loved it, but…there was a misspelling. Perfectshun was spelled wrong. I said, “We love it, but…you spelled perfection wrong”.  She emailed back “So glad you like it and yes, perfection is misspelled—intentionally. Maybe the joke is too subtle?”. 


So, Katrina kindly fixed the typo, but now we love it both ways.

What say you?

Perfectshun or Perfection?