A few quick tips for the increases in the Arewa Sweater


The increases are simple. Just a lifted increase (M1 is the same as M1L in this pattern). Or a backwards loop increase. Both of them are easy. The trick comes in identifying which to use when. 

The designer wants you to use an M1 increase when you have a lifted bar situation, and a backwards loop when its over a yarn over in the previous row. 

Let me show you.

This photo shows the situation in which you would use a lifted increase (M1). You can see the “bar” between the stitches.








 This photo shows the situation in which you would use a backwards loop increase. You can see that the next stitch is a yarn over and there isn’t a “bar” to pick up. So, you have to create the stitch instead with a backwards loop.










The spacing of the increases in this pattern are NOT critical to the design. They are just evenly spaced around the round. So, if you are off somewhere, just make sure when you are done with the round, you have the correct number of stitches. Again, the exact placement of the increases is not critical, so if you have to add an extra one at the end, so be it. 

The next round after the increases can be tricky. It’s not always easy to work the backwards loop cast on. It can be tight on the needle. Just go slow and be careful. There are only 4 increase rounds in this sweater, YOU CAN DO IT!!