He came, he measured, he asked them to cast on left handed:)

Cast on HOW?

A great time was had by all Sunday, when the super cute, fun and talented Josh Bennett came for an all day workshop.  Josh is only the 2nd American designer to ever be featured in a Rowan Magazine.  Awesome!

Custom Knitting Workshop

The first workshop of the day was a custom knitting workshop.  He taught everyone how to get accurate measurements, how to use those measurements to make a custom sized garment perfect for each person.  Invaluable information for the adventurous sweater knitters in the group.

Tips and Tricks Workshop

We ended the day with a Tips and Tricks workshop that had everyone in stitches.  Josh had people casting on left handed!  They learned all sorts of tricks of the trade to making a garment look more professionally finished.
We had a blast and we look forward to Josh taking another trip to MN!
Thanks for a great day Josh!  We’re saving the loft for you:)