I took a great trip to Florida with my family on February 1st.  Lucky me…I got to cast on for the February sweater in the peace and quiet of a crowded airport while waiting for a delayed airplane.  Now, don’t get me wrong, I was really lucky to be getting out at all.  The “storm of the century” was slamming Chicago and the East coast.  Tons of flights were canceled so we were really lucky to be only delayed.
The delay gave me a chance to finish the ribbing before we even took off!

February Delay

I decided to knit the whole sweater on size 10 needles.  The yarn (Rowan Sheep Breeds Chunky) seemed a bit to small to bump up to the 10.5.  I am pleased with it.  I like the decrease and increase in the back.  I hope it lays flat when it is finished though.

February shaping


up to arms

I am knitting the sleeves now.  Am doing it magic loop.  Time to master that silly technique once and for all.
Just to prove to you that I was really in Florida…

Darn Knit Anywhere Darth !